The 7 Essentials of the Composite Infra Division

 Oxford Dictionary defines safety as “protected from any danger, harm or loss” and OSHA defines safety as “to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards”. The commonality between these definitions is safety and protection from danger. 

We at Mtandt, have a well-established record of accomplishment and our products and services have always been on par with the above definitions. 

Out of the multiple divisions that we provide in the safety field, the Composite Infra Division plays an equal part in the safety of workers. This division provides key business solutions ranging and the finest engineered products from Composite mats to Geocell technology. 

Composite mats include Portadeck, Portamat, Portapad. Geocell products include the Portacell. Mtandt has been active in terms of entering into partnerships with international market leaders across the world, thus drawing technological expertise and introducing innovative products in the Indian Market. These products include Altec insulated aerial work platforms, Helical Piles and Rapid Runway Repair. 



  1. Portadeck:

A PORTADECK is India’s strongest interlocking mat that is engineered to distribute extremely heavy loads over a large area. These heavy duty composite mats help form strong and dependable access roads and staging areas for equipment placing. These temporary access mats are superior to conventional steel and wood solutions as the mats do not sink even on the most marshy ground conditions. 

Applications of Portadeck include Construction, Oil and Gas drilling, Transmission lines, Pipelines, substations and events.

  1. Portamat:

PORTAMAT is a composite construction mat made up of interconnected High-Density Polyethylene Mats. This ground protection mat can be quickly assembled by hand to approach roads and platforms. An HDPE mat is a cost-effective access mat that prevents deterioration from chemicals, mildew, rot, or sun. These temporary access mats provide access over unprepared grounds, desert and beach sand, and grass turfs.

Applications of Portamat include event flooring and walkways, beach and desert access, temporary parking spaces, factories and garages. 

  1. Portapad:

PORTAPAD, also known as outrigger pads, are ground stabilization solutions engineered to withstand extreme pressures. They help spread concentrated loads over a larger surface in turn reducing the risk of equipment damage and accidents. These construction pads optimise flexural strength and load distribution capabilities will serve you years without bending, breaking, rusting, or rotting. 

Applications of Portapads include helping reduce the impact on the topsoil and vegetation, improving restoration efforts after removal, flooring and walkways.


  1. Portacell:

PORTACELLS are three-dimensional honeycombs of polymeric strips that are filled with locally available granular material such as sand, recycled asphalt, soil, fly-ash etc. This tends to improve the load-bearing capacity of the pavement and provides better performance. This invention is an ideal solution for soil stabilization and ground reinforcement across various segments for load support, highways, ports, railways, slope and channel protection, landfill and reservoirs.

Applications of Portacells include paved and unpaved roads, airports, ports and yards, railways. 


  1. Altec aerial work platforms:

In terms of access jobs, no other equipment can provide the highest level of safety and efficiency better than an Altec - Insulated Aerial Work Platform. These elevated work platforms are used by almost every industry that requires aerial work. Aerial work platform rentals offer a complete line of insulating or non-insulating aerial devices, telescopic or telescopic articulating, and over-centre or non-over center which are customizable according to your application needs. These devices exceed all applicable ANSI standards as of the date of manufacture.

Applications of Altec aerial work platforms are offered for the electric utility, telecommunications, tree care, construction, and lights and signs markets. 



  1. Helical Piles

Helical Piles, also known as Helical Screw piles, provide foundational Structural support for both permanent and temporary structures, of all types and sizes. These are constructed using steel shafts with helical flights of different sizes to suit the site-specific ground conditions. Helical flights are strategically designed along the shaft that penetrates through the soil without augering, displacing the soil. Some other names for helical piles include helical piers, helical anchors, screw piles, and screw foundations. Helical pile installations are Removable and reusable, helping reduce the impact on the environment. 

Application of Helical Piles are Walkways, Rail structures (signalling, platforms, overhead line equipment), Telecommunication masts/platforms, Highways structures (signage)


  1. Rapid Runway Repair:

A Rapid Runway repair is an integral part of the Rapid Airfield Damage Repair (ADR) process, which is part of the principle “Survive to Operate''. This is made up of Aluminium panels that interlock to create the landing area. A geotextile membrane is placed underneath the Trackway to suppress dust and reduce brownout. With the extra wear and tear on these long, frequently used stretches of asphalt, regular maintenance and rapid runway repair is vital to the function of an airport.

The above products are heavyweight, lightweight, and the Geocell technology gives the advantages over soft, clayey soil. There are, hence, top-class products brought to you by one of the leading organizations in the world and providing technology and solutions to the diversified industry through Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales, Renting, Training and Services.

Employers must take due precautions to keep their people safe, secured, and provide them with a healthy work environment while the employees are responsible for performing their tasks as per the guided safety standards. Practising safety at work results in enhanced Quality, Competency, Pride and Productivity, with lesser to no unintentional accidents and downtime.

Providing technology and solutions to diversified industries through Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales, Renting, Training and Services is our expertise as safety begins with teamwork! To know more about the precautionary measures, contact Mtandt at or call +91 9090 1010 65 to know more about their products and services. 


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