The 7 Essentials of the Composite Infra Division
Oxford Dictionary defines safety as “protected from any danger, harm or loss” and OSHA defines safety as “ to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards”. The commonality between these definitions is safety and protection from danger. We at Mtandt , have a well-established record of accomplishment and our products and services have always been on par with the above definitions. Out of the multiple divisions that we provide in the safety field, the Composite Infra Division plays an equal part in the safety of workers. This division provides key business solutions ranging and the finest engineered products from Composite mats to Geocell technology. Composite mats include Portadeck , Portamat , Portapad . Geocell products include the Portacell . Mtandt has been active in terms of entering into partnerships with international market leaders across the world, thus drawing technological expertise and introducing innov...